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About CodeMark in Australia
CodeMark was developed jointly with the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB), and operates on both sides of the Tasman. The CodeMark Scheme Rules apply to both countries.
However, products must still be certified separately for New Zealand and Australia because there are differences in the two countries’ building codes and different local conditions.
For example, durability and weathertightness are issues for New Zealand buildings, while termite protection is a concern in Australia.
You can check to see whether a product is CodeMark certified for New Zealand by checking our register. If you are looking for a product with an Australian CodeMark certificate, you will need to contact the Australian Building Codes Board.
Australian Building Codes Board has information about product certification in Australia.
After a product is certified
As a CodeMark certificate holder, you have ongoing responsibilities to ensure the certified product continues to be manufactured to the same standards, levels and quality as those against which it was evaluated and certified.
You will need to make sure you follow the ongoing auditing requirements of the product certification body as well as the requirements of the Scheme Rules.
Your product will still need to go through the building consent application process each time it is proposed for use in building work. BCAs still need to determine whether the proposed building work uses the CodeMark product according to the use and limitations of the certificate. If the product is being used outside the scope of certificate the BCA will be unable to rely solely on the product certificate and will likely need to see further evidence of compliance with the Building Code.
Changes to your certified product
You must notify your product certification body if you plan on making any changes to your certified product or its manufacturing process as it will need to assess whether this will have any impact on the compliance of the product with the Building Code and may need to re-evaluate the product.
The changes may also need to be documented on your product’s certificate and therefore a revised certificate may need to be issued.
Users of CodeMark certificates must be able to be certain they have the most current, up to date certificate when specifying products or assessing the compliance of building work involving a certified product.
Using the CodeMark Mark of Conformity in your marketing
The CodeMark Scheme Rules have specific requirements about using the CodeMark logo, known as the Mark of Conformity in your product’s marketing material.
The Mark of Conformity must only be used in association with a valid certificate number and needs to be applied:
· directly to the product by stamping, printing, moulding, etching, labelling, etc
· or to the product packaging
There are rules about the correct use of the Mark of Conformity, including:
· size and proportions
· colours and certain acceptable formats
· limitations of use
The detailed requirements can be found in the CodeMark Scheme Rules 2009 as well its 2010 update. You can obtain an electronic copy of the logo from us or your product certification body.
Any deviations from the approved format must be approved in writing by us.
Codemark scheme rules 2009[PDF 304 KB]
This document outlines the rules, guidelines and legislation governing the CodeMark scheme used across New Zealand and Australia.
It highlights the responsibilities of each country in administering the scheme.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment is responsible for the New Zealand Building Code. In this document we are referred to as the Department of Building and Housing, our previous name.
Changes to the CodeMark Scheme Rules 2010[PDF 87 KB]
The CodeMark Scheme Rules were reviewed and changed in 2010. This document highlights the changes and should be used in conjunction with the CodeMark Scheme Rules published in 2009.
It also includes guidance in the form of a flow chart to help with interpretation of the changes.
Viewing CodeMark certificates
The current versions of all CodeMark certificates are publically available on our Register.
The certificates state the product’s purpose and use as well as any limitations and conditions on that use, such as design and installation requirements. They also have contact details for the certificate holder and its certification body.
Withdrawn, suspended or revoked certificates
Product certification bodies or MBIE (in certain circumstance) can suspend or revoke a product certificate at any time for reasons including:
a breach of the Scheme Rules, the certificate’s conditions or the certification body’s procedures
a critical non-conformity
failure to pay fees
if the certificate holder changes a product characteristic significantly without prior notification
misuse of the Mark of Conformity
the certificate has been obtained by fraud or misrepresentation
the product no longer meets the criteria and standards for certification
any other certification for that building method or product has been revoked or cancelled
the Building Code has been amended and no longer applies to the certified product.
Before suspending or revoking a certificate the issuing product certification body or MBIE must give the certificate holder a reasonable opportunity to be heard.
As a certificate holder, you can withdraw a certificate at any time if you no longer wish to have your product CodeMark certified.
If your certificate is suspended or revoked or you have chosen to withdraw it, it is your responsibility to notify your regular customers. You must also immediately stop using the certificate or any references to it as well as the CodeMark Mark of Conformity.
Complaint process about concerns relating to CodeMark certificates
Concerns about a building product with a CodeMark certificate should, in the first instance, be brought to the attention of the product certification body.
Product certificates are the property of the certification body and it is only the certification body that can make any alterations or corrections to the certificate. Therefore if there is any doubt about the contents of the certificate, the appropriate response is to deal directly with the certification body which will investigate and discuss with the certificate holder as required.
Contact details for the certificate holder and its product’s certification body can be obtained from the certificate itself.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the certification body’s investigation you may then refer the complaint to JAS-ANZ.
JAS-ANZ (the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand) is the organisation appointed by MBIE as responsible for assessing, monitoring and accrediting product certification bodies. It must also investigate the actions of certificate holders where appropriate.
The certification body should always be given a reasonable timeframe to investigate and resolve a complaint before any complaint is made to JAS-ANZ. What is defined as a reasonable timeframe is likely to depend on a range of factors including the extent and type of the complaint.
MBIE’s role is to monitor the performance of JAS-ANZ. Complaints should generally only be referred to MBIE if JAS-ANZ appears to be failing to fulfil its obligations.
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